The goal of the Faces of Pride Campaign is to highlight the beautiful diversity within our community. We are committed to celebrating everyday people who make the LGBTQ+ community so amazing and colorful.
MBP continuously seeks to reach beyond the status quo and push the boundries set by society. Not only are we looking for truly unique faces, we are interested in hearing the stories of our contestants and understanding their experience and lifestyle.
We believe The Faces of Pride will be a powerful promotion tool for our organization. These individuals will serve as ambassadors within their respective communities to promote engagement and participation. Each of the faces will represent a different facet of our community. This campaign will send a clear message to underrepresented communities that we honor their humanity and cherish their existence.
Miami Beach Pride and Dr. Brandt Skincare
are searching for the faces that will inspire a generation and promote positivity throughout our community. Faces that reflect the diversity, uniqueness, and strength within our culture.
The Faces of Pride launches a statewide campaign in search of four individuals that live their truth out loud and proud every day. These amazing individuals will be featured in our official Miami Beach Pride 2021 global marketing campaign. Winners will have the opportunity to do in- person appearances, interviews, photoshoots, and more! In addition, our four faces, along with the reigning Miss Pride 2020, will be awarded cash and lots of other fabulous prizes. #FacesofPride #MiamiBeachPride #Miami #LGBTQ